12 Days of Self Care

Photo: Women with face masks

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it again, the holidays are crazy! Whether you’re running around picking up presents, visiting relatives, or going on vacation, it can get overwhelming. The pressures and expectations of the holidays make it easy to overlook why we even celebrate them in the first place! It’s a time to be with people you love and to spread cheer. But there’s one person you probably forget about each and every year…. Yourself! Last year I remember being way too stressed and couldn’t enjoy myself fully. This year, I did a little research and a lot of asking around about ways to prevent or at least minimize the typical holiday stresses. Below you’ll find 12 ideas I’m hoping to put in action.

  1. Put a facial mask or some aromatherapy on while wrapping presents. You’ll be getting a chore done while you pamper yourself a little.
  2. Better yet, invite friends and family for a gift wrapping party. Put on facial masks, play some music, have some yummy snacks. You’ll get your presents done but more importantly, you’ll get to spend a little time with your loved ones.
  3. Call your parents, a best friend, or favorite relative while you’re waiting in those long lines just to say hi. You’ll be surprised how much of an energy boost you’ll get just gabbing with someone you care about.
  4. Watch your favorite comedy tv show while you cook. Laughing can make that pile of dishes go by much faster.
  5. Take a few minutes alone in your car before shopping to just breathe and center yourself. Going into a stressful environment while you’re feeling stressed is a formula for disaster.
  6. Make a list before shopping so you don’t stress out about what to buy. I can’t tell you how much time I’ve wasted trying to decide. While the gift itself is important, the intent is much more significant.
  7. Buy something small for yourself while you’re shopping. A lip balm in a new flavor or a tiny trinket will bring a tiny bit of satisfaction to the entire day.
  8. Get a massage after shopping or after the holidays.
  9. Treat yourself to an organic espresso coffee, kombucha, or energizing drink from Down to Earth before you start shopping. Make sure it’s a flavor you really love or try something new and indulgent!
  10. Drink lots and lots of water, especially when you’re feeling stress. Hydration can only help to calm you down.
  11. Write in a gratitude journal at the beginning or end of each day during the holidays. This will help keep you in the right frame of mind. It can be as simple as a short sentence that says “I’m grateful for….” or you can fill up as many pages as you want. I might even continue doing this after the holidays!
  12. The favorite piece of advice I gathered up: Eat a small piece of your favorite chocolate or sweet treat at the end of each day. Just a little reward for getting through the day!

This year, I’m going to make a real effort to take care of myself so that I can truly enjoy the season and I hope you do too!