Health & Wellness

5 Easy Gifts for Mother's Day

Photo: Mother's Day Gifts

Not to brag but Down to Earth is pretty popular with Moms!

10 Surprising Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Photo: Glass Bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar, also known as ACV, is a long-time staple of healthy and natural living enthusiasts.

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): What You Need to Know

Novel Coronavirus (COVID 19): What You Need to Know

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a type of virus that causes diseases of varying severity, ranging from the common cold to a more serious respiratory disease.

6 Tips to End Meditation Intimidation

Photo: Young couple meditating together

When you think of meditation, what’s the first thing that pops into your head? Is it a highly enlightened being sitting on a white pillow with their legs crossed and a bright light all around them as they achieve nirvana?

7 Healthy Habits for Back to School

Photo: Little girl sitting outside school with her backpack and snacks

Parents often pass down more than genes to children – habits are usually picked up too! Keep reading for some healthy habits you can cultivate in your kids just in time for going back to school.

Summer Grilling for a Healthy Heart

Photo: Grilled Veggie Skewers

Adapted from Carra Richling’s original article

Treat Yo’ Self

Photo: Woman Applying Hand Lotion

March is Women’s History Month, nationally highlighting the contributions of women to events in history and society.

Living a sustainable lifestyle

Living a sustainable lifestyle has always been a part of me, especially because of having grown up in Santa Cruz, California. I grew up being told that sustainability is so important because every action we make affects our future… and I couldn’t agree more.

Do we really have to choose between health and a healthy economy?

You may have noticed an article floating around the web recently with the provocative headline “Eat a Carrot, Hurt the Economy? Sometimes.” Reporter Maria Cheng went on to describe a recent study apparently demonstrating that a global initiative to promote a healthy diet could result in dramatic losses for the economies of meat-exporting countries like Brazil.